Technological innovativeness and growth: a study of small scale manufacturing firms in Lagos State

  • Received September 26, 2018;
    Accepted December 20, 2018;
    Published March 20, 2019
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 17 2018, issue #4, pp. 39-53
  • Cited by
    4 articles

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

The study has the general objective to determine the extent of the relationship between technological innovativeness and firm growth using small scale manufacturing firms in Lagos State. The independent variable of technological innovativeness was operationalized into product-oriented innovativeness and process-oriented innovativeness, while the dependent variables of firm growth were operationalized into sales growth, employment growth, growth in firm size and market shares growth. This study employs exploration correlational research design. The sample population of a small scale enterprise in Lagos State accounts for eleven thousand and forty-four (11,044). Yamane’s formula was used to get the sample size of three hundred and eighty-six (386), this was approximated to the nearest hundred to have 400 for equal distribution. Data gathered for this study was analyzed using the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation analysis in order to determine the relationship between them and a simple linear regression analysis to establish the extent of relationship between them using statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 2.3. The correlation statistic shows that the linkage between the independent and dependent variables was low to moderate that product-oriented innovativeness shows a moderate positive relationship with sales and employment growth, while the process-oriented innovativeness shows low positive relationship with firm size thus allowing for regression analysis.

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    • Figure 1. Sequential analysis of technological innovativeness
    • Table 1. Respondent manufacturing firms and questionnaires distribution
    • Table 2. Bio-data responses
    • Table 3. Analysis of variables of product-oriented innovation (X1)
    • Table 4. Analysis of variables of process-oriented innovation (X2)
    • Table 5. Analysis of variables for measuring the firm growth
    • Table 6. Mean, standard deviation and correlations of X and Y
    • Table 7. Model summary of the variables predictors
    • Table 8. ANOVA
    • Table 9. Model coefficients