Strategic directions of the development of higher education in Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 14 2024, Issue #1, pp. 1-11
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Modern dynamic changes affect the development of higher education. This confirms the urge to actualize quality planning considering rapid educational transformations and a significant set of challenges. The purpose of this study is to theoretically and methodologically substantiate promising strategic areas of higher education in Ukraine. The paper identifies the key aspects of the modern strategy of higher education in the context of its key trends. It highlights the critical role of strategy to support the long-term success of the higher education sector in modern conditions. The necessity of considering a wide range of interests by groups of key stakeholders in the education sector is emphasized. The paper also stresses the importance of sustainable development goals to form and implement a modern higher education strategy. It is highlighted that the modern strategy of higher education covers the whole complex of drivers of exogenous and endogenous nature, which determines the vector of development. Comparative analysis is used to determine the peculiarities of the state of modern strategies of higher education on the example of Ukrainian and Polish higher education institutions. This comparative analysis of modern strategies of higher education stresses a number of differences between the state of the strategy for Ukraine and Poland. This study may be useful for researchers and analysts in eduction sector, non-profit organizations in the field of higher education, higher education institutions, international organizations, and public and local authorities. Prospects for further research are the deepening of modern strategies of higher education in the key European integration movements of Ukraine.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I20, I21, I28
- Figure 1. Результати дослідження вибіркової сукупності здобувачів українського та польського закладу вищої освіти в контексті рівня задоволеності за окремими аспектами сучасної стратегії
- Table 1. Стратегічні напрямки розвитку вищої освіти України
- Table 2. Ключові виклики сучасної вищої освіти
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