Stock price volatility during the COVID-19 pandemic: The GARCH model
Article InfoVolume 18 2021, Issue #4, pp. 12-20
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This study examined the response of stock prices on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) to COVID-19 using an event study approach and the GARCH model. The research sample is the closing price of the Composite Stock Price Index (JCI) and companies that are members of LQ-45 in the 40-day period before the COVID-19 incident, 1 day during the COVID-19 incident (March 2, 2020) and 10 days after, January 6, 2020 – March 16, 2020. Empirical findings prove that abnormal returns react negatively to COVID-19, JCI volatility fluctuates widely during the COVID-19 event, and the GARCH(1,2) model can be used to assess volatility and predict stock abnormal returns in IDX in market conditions infected with COVID-19. The practical implication of the study’s findings for investors is that the COVID-19 event caused stock price volatility, which affects abnormal returns. Therefore, to face the conditions of uncertainty and increased volatility in the future, several lines of risk management are needed in managing a stock portfolio. In addition, it also opens up opportunities for speculators to profit in an inefficient market environment. This study is based on the empirical literature currently being developed to investigate the phenomenon of stock price volatility behavior during COVID-19 on the IDX. The GARCH model used proves that during the COVID-19 pandemic, stock price volatility increases and leads to a decrease in abnormal returns. The empirical findings also validate the efficient market hypothesis theory related to the study of events and the theory of financial behavior related to uncertainty.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)E22, G11, G14
- Figure 1. Framework
- Figure 2. Observation period
- Table 1. Calculation of the daily AAR of shares during the observation period
- Table 2. Hypothesis testing results using the ttest
- Table 3 Abnormal return results
- Table 4 Volatility results
- Table 5. Result of the determination coefficient test (R2 Test) of the GARCH (1,2) model
- Table 6. T-statistical test results
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