Self-regulation system of continual improvement of quality and efficiency in higher education: A case of Ukraine

  • Received June 2, 2022;
    Accepted July 28, 2022;
    Published August 5, 2022
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 6 2022, Issue #1, pp. 11-26
  • Cited by
    13 articles

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Nowadays, the procedures for stimulating the improvement of the quality of higher education in Ukraine are mainly based on periodic expert evaluations. Besides, existing metrics of university efficiency are usually imperfect due to the frequent negative effects of Campbell’s Law and Goodhart’s Law. In addition, the war significantly limited resources for external quality assurance of educational programs. Given this, the aim of this paper was to develop a methodology for an additional self-regulation system of continual improvement of the quality and efficiency of educational activities of Ukrainian universities. The study is based on the advantages of the quantitative approach, measurement methods, and algorithmization in the management system of higher education. As a result, key indicators for the formation of national rankings have been developed by different segments. Moreover, the study elaborated algorithms and mechanisms to constantly encourage higher education institutions to improve quality and efficiency. The paper proposes preventive procedures to reduce the negative effects of unfair achievement of key performance indicators. The result of applying the methodology is additionally acquired or partially lost by the university the volume of license rights for the training of specialists in the current year. This will help curb the process of mass education with a low level of quality. In addition, the proposed system will balance the weaknesses of the accreditation expertise procedure, as well as actively stimulate the independent striving of each educational program for sustainable development and continual progress.

To the Armed Forces of Ukraine ( and the democratic world ( for the protection of the future of the Ukrainian State and its people. To the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance for the possibility to take part in accreditation expertise and consulting evaluation of educational programs in universities of Ukraine ( Also, the appearance of this alternative idea was facilitated by the declared goal of the World Bank project “Ukraine Improving Higher Education for Results” (ID P171050), namely: to improve the efficiency, conditions for quality, and transparency in Ukraine’s higher education system (

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  • JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)
    I23, I28, M12
  • References
  • Tables
  • Figures
    • Figure 1. Strengths and weaknesses of metrics and expertise procedures in the process of assessing the quality of educational activities
    • Figure 2. Main differences in the self-regulation and accreditation system of external assurance and improving the quality of higher education in Ukraine
    • Figure 3. Ishikawa diagram with essential indicators of national rating in the higher education system of Ukraine
    • Table 1. Position of conditional universities of Ukraine in the system of national rating assessment
    • Table 2. Conversion of dynamics of rating positions of conditional institutions of higher education of Ukraine in the consolidated coefficient
    • Table 3. Licensed volumes of admission to the specialties of the university No. 3 in the current year (bachelor’s level)
    • Table 4. Licensed volumes of admission to the specialties of the university No. 4 in the current year (master’s level)
    • Conceptualization
      Oleksandr Velychko
    • Data curation
      Oleksandr Velychko, Nataliia Bondarchuk
    • Formal Analysis
      Oleksandr Velychko, Svitlana Khalatur
    • Funding acquisition
      Oleksandr Velychko, Mariia Bahorka
    • Investigation
      Oleksandr Velychko, Svitlana Khalatur, Mariia Bahorka
    • Methodology
      Oleksandr Velychko
    • Project administration
      Oleksandr Velychko, Svitlana Khalatur
    • Supervision
      Oleksandr Velychko, Mariia Bahorka
    • Writing – original draft
      Oleksandr Velychko
    • Writing – review & editing
      Oleksandr Velychko, Svitlana Khalatur, Nataliia Bondarchuk, Mariia Bahorka
    • Software
      Svitlana Khalatur, Mariia Bahorka
    • Validation
      Svitlana Khalatur, Nataliia Bondarchuk
    • Resources
      Nataliia Bondarchuk, Mariia Bahorka
    • Visualization
      Nataliia Bondarchuk