SDG 3 and financing instruments in Austria and Ukraine: Challenges and perspectives
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #3, pp. 118-135
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of the SDG in healthcare achievement in Austria and Ukraine and to determine possible lessons for Ukraine based on best EU and world experiences. To identify existing challenges and perspectives a comparative analysis of key indicators of healthcare expenditures and health financing systems in Austria and Ukraine was carried out. Results indicate that in Ukraine there is a substantial lack of public funding for healthcare (only 682 US dollars per capita in 2018), a poor share of voluntary health insurance (less than 1%), significant amounts (on average 50%) of expenditures of the population in general spending on health. On the contrary, in Austria, there is sufficient public funding for healthcare (5,879 US dollars per capita in 2018), more than 5% share of voluntary health insurance, moderate amounts (on average 25%) of expenditures of the population in general spending on health. Austria’s experience as an EU-member country with a successful example of a financing strategy for the healthcare system is a sound example for Ukraine. The alternative financing tools (e.g. result-based financing, impact investment, public-private partnership) can be used as an additional financing mechanism of healthcare funding in Ukraine. The use of these instruments along with the improvement of the fiscal policy, social security, and governance based on Austrian experience can cut the existing financing gap to achieve SDG targets in healthcare in Ukraine.
This study is financed equally by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G18, I18, Q01
- Figure 1. No. of publications in the Scopus database under the research area «healthcare funding» for 2016–2020
- Figure 2. No. of publications in the Scopus database under the research area «SDG 3 funding» for 2016–2020
- Table 1. Estimated additional spending per year on health required by 2030 to achieve progress within the SDG 3 health targets
- Table 2. The assessment of progress in achieving the targets of SDGs 3 in Ukraine and Austria according to national monitoring 2019
- Table 3. The assessment of progress in achieving targets of SDGs 3 in Ukraine and Austria according to global monitoring in 2017–2020
- Table 4. The assessment of life expectancy in Ukraine and Austria in 2019
- Table 5. Key indicators of healthcare expenditures in Ukraine and Austria in 2018
- Table 6. Prioritization of financing tools in healthcare according to the number of publications in the Scopus database as of 10.07.2021
- Table A1. Correspondence of global and national SDG 3 targets in Austria and Ukraine
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