Scoping research on sustainability performance from manufacturing industry sector
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #2, pp. 134-146
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Sustainability is a key area of concern for manufacturing firms’ long-term success. However, the manufacturing industry has not been fully conscious of the potential sustainable values across manufacturing system. There is a need to better understand how companies can improve sustainable value creation. Recent research and practices have shown that sustainable operations can be one way to create sustainable values (e.g. economic, environmental and social). This review article focuses on the available empirical studies on the impact of lean and sustainability practices on sustainable performance from 2000 to 2018 in the context of manufacturing firms. Integrating lean and sustainability practices into manufacturing system confrontы operations managers with paradoxical tensions of sustainability objectives. Theoretically having paradoxical mindset will help firms’ managers make sense of and responв to such paradoxical tensions. In the context of sustainable operations studies, the issue of paradoxical mindset has been given less emphasis. Therefore, through the lens of the paradox theory, this study has developed a new conceptual framework for future research to investigate how paradoxical mindset moderates the impact of lean and sustainability practices on the sustainable performance of manufacturing industry. This study may add to the understanding of the circumstances, under which lean and sustainability practices impact sustainable outcomes.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)Q56, Q010, L60, L25, M11
- Figure 1. Scoping review process
- Figure 2. The distributions of journal publications
- Figure 3. Sustainability antecedents distributions
- Figure 4. Country context
- Figure 5. Research trend
- Figure 6. Respondents managerial level context
- Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria used in the scoping searches
- Table A1. The description of sustainability performance, antecedents, approaches, country context and managerial level
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