Role of artificial intelligence and BIG DATA capabilities on fintech services: Value co-creation theory
Article InfoVolume 20 2024, Issue #4, pp. 219-233
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Studying customers’ value co-creation of using fintech Islamic banking services has been a trend of Islamic bank managements to obtain value, competitive advantages, growth, and sustainability. This work endeavors to explore the role of applying artificial intelligence and big data technologies on value co-creation of using fintech Islamic banking services from customers’ perspective in Jordan. This study used a quantitative methodology based on survey approach to conduct its goals and objectives. Using structural equation modelling approach, the results indicate that artificial intelligence has a significant role in customers’ trust (β = 0.316***) and satisfaction (β = 1.14***) of using fin-tech Islamic banking services in Jordan. The results indicate that big data capabilities have a significant role in customers’ trust (β = 0.658***) and satisfaction (β = –0.109*) of using fintech Islamic banking services in Jordan. The results show that customers’ satisfaction confirms a significant effect on customers’ trust (β = –0.132***) of using fintech Islamic banking services in Jordan. The results uncover that customers’ trust have a considerable impact on customers’ value co-creation (β = 0.232***) of using fintech Islamic banking services in Jordan. The results uncover that customers’ satisfaction have a considerable impact on customers’ value co-creation (β = 0.382***) of using fintech Islamic banking services in Jordan. This study provides novel contributions regarding financial services of Islamic banks in maximizing customers’ value co-creation in Jordan.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D46, D12, L86
- Figure 1. Value co-creation model
- Figure 2. Outcomes summary of hypotheses’ value co-creation model
- Table 1. Summary of model fit indicators
- Table 2. Summary outcomes of the convergent validity and construct reliability
- Table 3. Outcomes summary of the discriminant validity
- Table 4. Results for hypotheses of this study
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