Research of crypto-code designs construction for using in post quantum cryptography

  • Received November 12, 2018;
    Accepted December 14, 2018;
    Published February 4, 2019
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 16 2018, Issue #4, pp. 26-39
  • Cited by
    2 articles

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

The article analyzes construction of crypto-code designs (CCDs) on the basis of asymmetric Mac-Alice and Niederreiter crypto-code systems on elliptical (EC) and modified elliptic codes (MEC), which, in the conditions of post-quantum cryptography, allow to provide a guaranteed level of crypto stability, to counteract the modern Attacks and attack by V. Sidelnikov on the theoretical code schemes of McAlias and Niederreiter. Schemes of hybrid crypto-code designs constraction the lossy codes are addressed. Methods of constructing mechanisms of confidentiality and integrity of banking information resources under hybrid threats to security components (information security, cybersecurity, information security) are proposed. Using of a lossy code is suggested to this end. Lossy Code allow you to increase the speed of code changes by reducing the power of the field when causing damage to open text and reducing the amount of data transferred by causing harm to the cipher text. The methods of constructing unprofitable codes and approaches for use in hybrid KKK of McAlias and Niederreiter on modified elliptic codes are considered. Practical algorithms for the use of the MV2 mechanism in McAlias’ CCD and Niederreiter’s modified elliptic codes are proposed, which allows the implementation of the CCD hybrid scheme. The comparative results of the study of stability and power capacity with respect to their practical use in automated banking systems are presented.

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    • Figure 1. Classification of cryptosystems based on CCS
    • Figure. 2. The block diagram of one step of the universal mechanism of causing damage
    • Figure 3. The main ways of causing damage
    • Figure. 4. Basic protocols for providing security services
    • Figure. 5. Structural diagram of construction of a hybrid crypto-code system on the basis of causing damage to open text
    • Figure. 6. The block diagram of construction of a hybrid cryptosystem on the basis of damage to ciphertext
    • Figure 7. The protocol of exchange with the help of the McEliece’s HCCS on shortened MES
    • Figure 8. Protocol for the exchange with McEliece’s HCCS on extended MES
    • Table 1. The results of studies on the dependence of the length of the input sequence on the MV2 algorithm from the number of processor counts
    • Table 2. Results of research of time and speed indicators of procedures of drawing and removal of damage
    • Table 3. The dependence of the software implementation speed on the power of the field (number of group operations)
    • Table 4. Results of research on statistical safety