Regional tourism infrastructure development in the state strategies

  • Received May 24, 2018;
    Accepted November 16, 2018;
    Published November 28, 2018
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 16 2018, Issue #4, pp. 259-274
  • Cited by
    36 articles

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Purposeful and reasonable state vision of the long-term tourism development strategy determines the success of a country in the world market of tourist services. Many countries have officially approved program documents that clearly outline the main goals and objectives of the state policy in the sphere of tourism, highlighting the resource potential, recreational infrastructure and preferred consumer markets, but there may be no idea of respecting the interests of domestic consumers. The maintenance of local tourism infrastructure is becoming an increasingly important prerequisite for the country’s competitiveness, as mass tourism is now replaced by individual travels. The article is aimed at studying the dependencies between the main macroeconomic indicators of the tourism industry, assessing the efficiency of foreign trade. The correlation-regression and cluster analysis has been used in order to confirm or refute the hypothesis if the effectiveness of the state support of the national tourism industry is dependent on the stable functioning of the domestic tourism market, e.g. stimulation of travels by residents. Based on the main macroeconomic indicators of the tourism industry for 136 countries of the world and overview of some national tourism development program, the analysis output has rejected the direct correlation between the support of the domestic market and export potential of the national tourism industry, but has proved the significance of the inner consumer power during the periods of downturns in the global economy for strengthening the country’s export potential.

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    • Figure 1. Correlation-regression analysis output
    • Figure 2. The efficiency of the land area use for tourism compared with the general TTCI score
    • Figure 3. Cluster means
    • Figure A1. The analysis of variance and model validity
    • Table 1. Macroeconomic indicators of the national tourism industry (the sample hard data and calculated indicators*), 2017 or the last available
    • Table 2. The efficiency of the land area use in tourism, country groupings (2017 data)
    • Table 3. Members and main characteristics of each cluster (calculated data)
    • Table 4. The average characteristics of the grouping indicators
    • Table 5. The analysis of state programs and investment proposals
    • Table A1. Macroeconomic indicators of the national tourism industry (hard data)
    • Table B1. The content of state programs and investment proposals (mentioned in Table 5 of the main text)