Personality traits and leadership styles of students: Evidence from Ecuador
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #1, pp. 156-169
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The study aims to evaluate how personality traits affect transformational, transactional, and passive-avoidant leadership styles. It uses the quantitative approach with a non-experimental research design; the data were collected cross-sectionally, with a correlational-causal scope. The sample included 418 professionals studying MBA at private universities in Ecuador and working in private companies. Personality traits were measured with the Revised NEO-PI-R Personality Inventory, while the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) measured leadership styles through the survey. Data analysis included the use of correlations and multivariate regression models. The results show that openness to experience (β = 0.100*), extraversion (β = 0.217**), conscientiousness (β = 0.239**), and work experience (β = 0.086*) generated a positive and meaningful effect on transformational leadership. Neuroticism was also significant but with a negative standardized coefficient (β = –0.445**). Also, extraversion (β = 0.169**), conscientiousness (β = 0.303**), and work experience (β = 0.222**) had a positive and significant effect on transactional leadership; neuroticism was also significant but with a negative standardized coefficient (β = –0.243**). Finally, extraversion (β = –0.311**) and conscientiousness (β = –0.192**) had a negative and significant effect, and neuroticism (β = 0.451**) had a positive and significant effect on the passive-avoidant leadership style.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I21, J24, M12
- Table 1. Sample demographic information
- Table 2. Descriptive statistics of personality domains
- Table 3. Descriptive results of leadership styles
- Table 4. Second-order confirmatory factor analysis for leadership styles
- Table 5. Correlations between leadership styles and the Big Five domains
- Table 6. Regression coefficients for transformational leadership style
- Table 7. Regression coefficients for transformational leadership
- Table 8. Regression coefficients for passive-avoidant leadership
- Table A1. Factor loadings and congruence for factors in managers’ NEO-PI-R form rotated to the Normative American Structure
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