Optimization of Mudaraba Sharia bank finance through agency theory perspective
Article InfoVolume 13 2018, Issue #4, pp. 40-50
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This study aims to analyze the implementation of mudaraba financing at Sharia banks, to consider the relationship between a principal and an agent in mudaraba financing at Sharia banks, and to explore efforts to optimize the implementation of mudaraba financing at Sharia banks.
This research was conducted at the Bank Muamalat Ternate Branch. The study used a qualitative method of single case study approach. The analysis used is an interactive model developed by Miles and Huberman. Research result exhibits the following:
1) The implementation of mudaraba financing was not in accordance with sharia implementation requirement, because there is still a gap in the income sharing system that causes the contract of mudharabah financing cannot be continued.
2) A principal has more information than an agent, because the agent has limited information especially in terms of that about cooperation instrument (mudharabah financing), while the principal is way more about data on that cooperation instrument.
3) Optimizing the implementation of mudaraba financing is needed by improving mudaraba financing governance. It is conducted by assigning consultants in mudaraba financing. The consultant has an active role and formally is directly involved in the mudharabah financing, but its characteristic only gives consideration and advice to shahibul maad and mudharabah as the key player in the mudharabah financing.
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G20, G21
- Figure 1. Mudharabah financing scheme
- Figure 2. Proposed Mudaraba financing scheme
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