Nexus of business intelligence capabilities, firm performance, firm agility, and knowledge-oriented leadership in the Jordanian high-tech sector


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The objective of this study is to investigate the influence of business intelligence capabilities on firm performance, with a specific emphasis on the role of firm agility and the impact of knowledge-oriented leadership within this association. The paper used a quantitative approach using data from a sample of 237 participants randomly chosen from a pool of 34 high-tech companies in Jordan. The study included a diverse range of participants, including individuals occupying various professions, such as managers, supervisors, analysts, and other relevant positions. This broad sample was selected to provide a full comprehension of the influence of business intelligence capabilities on firm performance. This approach allowed for the inclusion of various organizational levels and views, therefore capturing a wide range of insights. The study used the partial least squares modeling technique to analyze cross-sectional data to investigate the proposed model. The findings of this analysis, with a statistically significant p-value of less than 0.05, elucidate that the capabilities of business intelligence exert a substantial influence on the agility of a firm, subsequently affecting the firm’s overall performance. Moreover, firm agility mediates the correlation between its business intelligence capabilities and firm performance. Additionally, knowledge-oriented leadership moderates the effect of business intelligence capabilities on firm agility.

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    • Table 1. Descriptive statistics, validity, and reliability
    • Table 2. Fornell-Larcker criterion
    • Table 3. HTMT ratio
    • Table 4. Hypotheses testing
    • Table 5. Mediation analysis
    • Table 6. Moderation analysis
    • Data curation
      Khaldoon Khawaldeh
    • Formal Analysis
      Khaldoon Khawaldeh
    • Methodology
      Khaldoon Khawaldeh
    • Resources
      Khaldoon Khawaldeh
    • Software
      Khaldoon Khawaldeh
    • Validation
      Khaldoon Khawaldeh
    • Visualization
      Khaldoon Khawaldeh
    • Writing – original draft
      Khaldoon Khawaldeh, Amro Alzghoul
    • Conceptualization
      Amro Alzghoul
    • Investigation
      Amro Alzghoul
    • Project administration
      Amro Alzghoul
    • Supervision
      Amro Alzghoul
    • Writing – review & editing
      Amro Alzghoul