Multidimensionality of visual social media marketing and its impact on customer purchase intention on the real estate market
Article InfoVolume 19 2023, Issue #1, pp. 101-112
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The modern real estate industry, including real estate market in Jordan, is highly competitive and challenging. This descriptive study aims to examine the effect of visual social media marketing (VSMM) on customer purchase intentions of Jordanian real estate companies. The paper used electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) as a mediator and reliability as a moderator of the relationship between e-WOM and customers’ purchase intention. A conceptual model comprised VSMM dimensions (informative content, entertainment content, and remunerative content), which affect the purchase intention of customers, mediated by thee WOM construct. The construct of reliability moderated the link between e-WOM and purchase intention. Questionnaires were distributed through Google Forms to respondents selected by convenience sampling; as a result, 250 responses were received. PLS-SEM was used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. The results confirmed a significant impact of VSMM and e-WOM on purchase intentions. In addition, the study found that e-WOM mediates the relationship between VSMM and purchase intention, and reliability moderates the link between e-WOM and purchase intention. The results can help Jordanian real estate companies employ VSMM to increase their customers’ purchase intentions.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, M15, O35
- Figure 1. Research framework
- Table 1 .Discriminant validity
- Table 2. Hypotheses testing
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