Model of management of the employees’ innovative behavior at the industrial enterprises
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #3, pp. 197-206
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Employee’s innovative behavior is an impulse that initiates a range of organizational processes, owing to which the enterprise forms its competitive advantage. In the article, the determinative factors of influence on the innovative behavior in the context of separate age groups were defined. According to the results of multifactor regression analysis, the determinative types of trust include institutional, horizontal and vertical, stress resistance to innovations, managerial support and innovative work environment. It was proved that the employee’s age does not affect the innovative activity of industrial enterprises. When forming the main components of the management model of innovative behavior, the focus is on personal and professional characteristics of managers, which help to form the innovative type of behavior of the employees; a system for stimulating the real results of such behavior; ways of promotion of new developments via the innovation platforms and creation of the special structural unit with the aim to implement the proposed measures.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L60, M12, O31
- Table 1. Demographic structure of the respondents
- Table 2. Analysis of scales’ reliability. Mean and standard deviation
- Table 3. Influence of the respondents’ age on the determining factors of innovative behavior
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