Methodological approaches to investment property valuation
Article InfoVolume 15 2018, Issue #4, pp. 367-381
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Increase in number of the investment property items available in both domestic and international markets, present-day European integration processes, as well as existing differences in statutory provisions in force (controversial essentials of the investment property identification as an asset and ambiguity of implementation of the methodological approaches to the investment property valuation) have stipulated the need for improvement of the hierarchy of the investment property item fair value recognition and measurement criteria. Proposed identification methods will contribute into amplification of the synergy effect of the investment property item accounting and management due to improvement of quality and fairness of the information data on certain assets of the establishment. Methodology for the investment property valuation and changed value reporting format were worked out based upon critical analysis of the scientific professionals’ main approaches to the investment property fair value measurement as provided for by statutory requirements to disclosure of the asset related information. Findings made and recommendations worked out on consideration of the harmonized indicator system implementation have thereafter found the practical use in the investment property item management efficiency assessment model.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)М21, М40, М41
- Figure 1. Rate of return on property investments
- Figure 2. Property share percentage of GDP in European countries
- Figure 3. Investment property fair value measurement methodology
- Figure 4. Investment property management harmonized indicator system
- Table 1. Investment property accounting regulations of different world countries
- Table 2. IFRS 16 effect on the company main financial indicators
- Table 3. Standard form for reporting of changes in the investment property value, UAH thousand
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