Meta-analysis of organizational and supply chain dynamic capabilities: A theoretical-conceptual relationship
Received May 31, 2022;Accepted August 15, 2022;Published September 14, 2022
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Link to ORCID Index:, Camilo Burbano
Article InfoVolume 20 2022, Issue #3, pp. 335-349
Cited by6 articlesJournal title:Article title:DOI:Volume: / Issue: / First page: / Year:Contributors:Journal title: Social EconomicsArticle title: IMPLEMENTATION FEASIBILITY OF ENTERPRISE FINANCIAL CONTROLINGDOI: 10.26565/2524-2547-2023-66-06Volume: / Issue: 66 / First page: 49 / Year: 2023Contributors: Olena Golovko, Nataliya Tretiak, Kateryna OriekhovaJournal title: Revista Venezolana de GerenciaArticle title: Redes colaborativas horizontales en micro y pequeñas cadenas productivas de mercados emergentesDOI: 10.52080/rvgluz.29.106.11Volume: 29 / Issue: 106 / First page: 623 / Year: 2024Contributors: Isabel Cristina Alzate Rendón, Antonio BoadaJournal title: Social EconomicsArticle title: STRATEGIC PROVISING OF ENTERPRISE FINANCIAL SECURITY IN COVID-19 CONDITIONSDOI: 10.26565/2524-2547-2022-64-07Volume: / Issue: 64 / First page: 63 / Year: 2022Contributors: Kateryna Oriekhova, Olena Golovko, Pavel GaydaJournal title: Problems and Perspectives in ManagementArticle title: Assessing the degree of development of dynamic capabilities theory: A systematic literature reviewDOI: 10.21511/ppm.21(3).2023.34Volume: 21 / Issue: 3 / First page: 418 / Year: 2023Contributors: Arcadio Gonzalez-Samaniego, Marco A. Valenzo-Jimenez, Jaime Apolinar Martinez-Arroyo, Salvador Antelmo Casanova ValenciaJournal title: Journal of Economics and International RelationsArticle title: Іmprovement financial management of enterprise taking into account technologies for attracting additional financial resourcesDOI: 10.26565/2310-9513-2023-17-09Volume: / Issue: 17 / First page: 94 / Year: 2023Contributors: Kateryna Oriekhova, Оlena Golovko, Оlena Khristoforova, Maksym Babenko
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Creating resilient supply chains and more agile and competitive organizations are challenges that companies face today in a highly competitive and changing environment. Therefore, organizations must understand the importance of developing and strengthening their dynamic capabilities (DC) and supply chain dynamic capabilities (SCDC) in order to improve their market performance, participation, and sustainability. This study performs a meta-analysis of the literature related to organizational and supply chain dynamic capabilities, which together constitute an ecosystem of capabilities that every organization should develop to improve performance. After an exhaustive review of 1203 articles aligned with the base theoretical construct of dynamic capabilities, the information was decanted from strict filters. This allowed to evidence the contribution of this construct in literature aligned with organizational performance, as well as to identify the contribution that can be made by other constructs aligned with the dynamic capabilities’ ecosystem. The findings show a theoretical relationship between both constructs, presenting how the supply chain dynamic capabilities constitute a specialization and differentiation of organizational dynamic capabilities. In addition, the study highlights their major contribution to developing competitive advantages and improving organizational performance.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L21, L25, M10, M19
- Figure 1. Organizational DC model
- Figure 2. Methodological process
- Figure 3. Information flow during the phases of meta-analysis
- Figure 4. Cluster of authors in Web of Science
- Figure 5. Cluster of authors in Scopus
- Figure 6. Concepts related to supply chain and DC in Web of Science
- Figure 7. Concepts related to SCDC in Web of Science
- Table 1. Conceptual framework DC and SCDC
- Table 2. Definition of main SCDCs
- Table 3. Elements included in the meta-analysis
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Isabel Alzate, Eva Manotas, Antonio Boada, Camilo Burbano
Formal Analysis
Isabel Alzate, Eva Manotas, Camilo Burbano
Isabel Alzate, Eva Manotas, Antonio Boada
Isabel Alzate, Eva Manotas, Camilo Burbano
Project administration
Isabel Alzate, Antonio Boada
Isabel Alzate, Eva Manotas, Antonio Boada
Isabel Alzate, Camilo Burbano
Writing – original draft
Isabel Alzate, Eva Manotas, Antonio Boada, Camilo Burbano
Writing – review & editing
Isabel Alzate
Eva Manotas, Antonio Boada
Data curation
Antonio Boada
Camilo Burbano
The impact of social distancing policy on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia
Muhtar Lutfi, Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang
, Yoberth Kornelius
, Erdiyansyah
, Bakri Hasanuddin
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #3 pp. 492-503 Views: 4010 Downloads: 1407 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to investigate the impact of social distancing policies on SMEs in Indonesia. It used a quantitative method with a survey design. Respondents were all SMEs in Indonesia that are affected by social distancing policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. It involved a total of 587 SME samples selected randomly. The data were collected through observations, questionnaires, and literature studies. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics with SPSS software to determine the mean value. The result showed that social distancing policies affect SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is indicated by the decreasing income and demand for SMEs products, and even some have no income (mean values of 2.40) due to the social distancing policies. Besides, the policy’s impact is also shown in the increasing cost of raw materials and production costs due to supply chain problems (mean values of 4.79). The policy’s impact raises anxiety for SMEs to survive so that business actors change their plans by utilizing information technology (mean values of 4.81). This change is a strategy to survive due to the impact of the applied policies. Although social distancing policies affect SMEs’ survival during the pandemic, research findings show that SMEs in Indonesia did not terminate employment (mean values of 4.37) due to the presence of economic stimulus policies that helped SMEs survive and grow during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The impact of strategic human resources planning on the organizational performance of public shareholding companies in Jordan
Shaker Al-Qudah, Abdallah Mishael Obeidat
, Hosam Shrouf , Mohammed A. Abusweilem
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 219-230 Views: 3543 Downloads: 3454 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯPerformance management (PM) is a common practice used by organizations to assess and manage employees’ work. Much of PM research is closely related to management practices. Corporations in the public and nonprofit sector continuously develop PM programs to ensure the sustainability of their organizations.
The study aims to analyze the impact of strategic human resources planning on the organizational performance of Jordanian public shareholding companies for senior management and functional unit managers (human resources, marketing, finance, and accounting). The researchers surveyed all the public shareholding companies registered with the Jordan Securities Commission (JSC) in 2019, wherein they found that only 60 companies applied strategic planning and human resources planning (HRP) together. Two hundred and twenty questionnaires were distributed in 52 companies surveyed, and 203 were adopted for statistical analysis. Several statistical methods were used, most notably the multiple regression analysis. The researchers found out a statistically significant impact of the strategic human resources planning (integration of HRP and strategic planning; strategic participation) on organizational performance. The results showed that adopting the strategic HRP dimensions leads to an increase in an organization’s overall productivity, employee satisfaction and reputation, as well as reduced operating costs. HR managers must understand the effectiveness of strategically designed HR practices across functions. -
The role of knowledge management in organizational performance: case study of University of Malang, Indonesia
Andi Nu Graha , Achmad Sudiro, Armanu , Kusuma Ratnawati
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 17, 2019 Issue #1 pp. 230-243 Views: 2471 Downloads: 368 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe present study puts forward a model that examines variables of human resources management practices, organizational culture, knowledge management and organizational performance. By this model, it intends to explore the effects of human resources management practices and organizational culture on organizational performance. Particularly, it intends to find out their relationship with knowledge management as a mediator. The research applies SmartPLS for data analysis, with 163 respondents by means of saturation sampling technique. The results display several facts. First, both HRD practices and organizational culture have significant effects on knowledge management. Second, while knowledge management and organizational culture have a significant effect on organizational performance, HRD practices do not significantly affect organizational performance. It makes knowledge management only serve a partial mediation between human resources management practices and organizational performance, and serve a full mediation between organizational culture and organizational performance.