Material production and GDP in Ukraine: theoretical concept and financial assessment
Article InfoVolume 15 2018, Issue #2, pp. 51-59
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The article considers the relevant problems concerning the correlation between the development of priority economic sectors and sustainable economic growth in Ukraine. The assumption is made that development at the macroeconomic level can only be achieved when the positive dynamics of material production sectors is observed. The resource potential of Ukraine allows to distinguish two main sectors: agriculture and industry.
Many scholars have repeatedly considered ways of achieving positive economic dynamics at the level of the national economy. But despite the existing research on the problems of economic growth, its’ financial assessment and modelling, as well as the dominant factors of influence, remain unsolved. The aim of the article is to identify the factors of economic growth and assess their influence on the overall economic dynamics within two main material production sectors of Ukraine: industry and agriculture. In order to achieve this, the influence factor model of economic growth has been composed, where GDP growth was selected as a result indicator. The choice of influencing factors is substantiated by: quantity of goods and services sold, number of employees in the industry, investments, fixed assets value and the consumer price index. The most influential factors that significantly impact the overall economic dynamics have been revealed in the article.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O11, O13, O14
- Figure 1. The significance of coefficients of the factors’ influence on the dynamics of GDP model (for agriculture)
- Figure 2. The significance of coefficients of the factors’ influence on the dynamics of GDP model (for industry)
- Table 1. Main indicators of agricultural development in Ukraine
- Table 2. Main indicators of the industry development in Ukraine
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