Management of wellness and recreation in urban agglomerations
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #1, pp. 231-241
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The wellness and recreation situation in its complexity does not significantly differ from other socio-economic problems of urban agglomerations in Ukraine and needs to be addressed in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially in improving public well-being and health. The purpose of this article is to identify the relationship between health improvement, recreation and tourism, displayed in the management structure of the urban agglomeration, and the social, environmental and economic state of wellness and recreation. The relationship is determined by the index method/geometric mean of relevant relative indices (inclusion, experience economy, health improvement with rest, recovery function of leisure, wellness and recreation ecology) with the 2009–2018 dynamics by regions with the largest urban agglomerations of Ukraine. The analysis of management structures of the Dnipro, Kyiv, Odesa and Kharkiv executive bodies reveals special aspects in reflecting the wellness and recreation functions, including tourism and urban ecology. Based on the comparison of rating analyses, it is justified whether wellness and recreation reflected in the structure of urban agglomeration management meets its social, environmental and economic health. Comparison results for the relative indices of wellness and recreation in urban agglomerations and regions of Ukraine by economic (income level, directing additional funds for recreation), social (health, no impact of diseases on performance) or environmental (air pollution per person) factors, as well as altogether (comparison of integral indicators), are the basis for smoothing the situation with wellness and recreation in the country according to the inclusive sustainable development principle.
The article contains the results of research conducted under the President of Ukraine’s grant for competitive projects (0119U103141).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I38, R58, Q26
- Figure 1. Transformation of extractive institutions into inclusive ones as a prerequisite for wellness and recreation development
- Figure A1. Wellness and recreation related departments within the municipal government structures of Dnipro, Kyiv, Odesa, and Kharkiv (from up to down)
- Table 1. The result of an analysis of the management structures of urban agglomerations for displaying health, recreation and tourism in the functions of their departments, 2018
- Table 2. Considering the environmental factor* by regions with the largest agglomerations in Ukraine, kg/person
- Table 3. Relative indicators of social, environmental and economic assessment of wellness and recreation
- Table 4. An integral indicator of social, environmental and economic assessment of wellness and recreation and the agglomeration rating, 2018
- Table B1. Data for comparative assessment of wellness and recreation by regions with the largest urban agglomerations in Ukraine, %
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