Management of tangible assets using a modified market value price formation model
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #2, pp. 28-39
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The paper deals with the economic measurements of the market value of enterprise assets, which are of great importance for their effective management. The use of more accurate economic measurements is an integral part of an optimal strategy to manage business assets. Therefore, reduction of evaluation results uncertainty is a necessary condition for effective management. To achieve mentioned goals, the paper aims to determine the mathematical base for the assets valuation methodology of value/depreciation that change over time, which can be applied to its dynamic objective quantitative analysis. The basic hypothesis suggests that all tangible assets, characterized by removable depreciation, are inclined to a negative periodic depreciation during short inter-service periods when remedial repair works are carried out to eliminate depreciation.
The methodical approaches concerning a mathematical description of assets value/depreciation dynamics are considered. It is shown that both traditional, progressive and regressive value/depreciation dynamics models change over time. They do not correspond to the actual state since they do not take into account increased objects value and negative periodic depreciation. To evaluate value/depreciation change over time more precisely, a new kind of mathematical model is proposed, which equations take into account the opposite signs of periodic depreciation during operational service periods and non-operational inter-service periods. It is proved that the actual indicators of fair market value and periodic depreciation of enterprise assets can be determined with higher reliability based on a new mathematical model.
Comments from the editor and anonymous referees have been gratefully acknowledged. The authors are grateful to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for financial support, which made it possible to carry out this study within the state budget topic “Value estimation and assessing technology readiness for transfer from universities to the business environment” (2019–2021).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)C13, E37, G32, M11
- Figure 1. Graphs of the value change over time (left); total absolute accumulated (middle) and the annual (periodic) absolute depreciation (right). Traditional progressive depreciation model, based on (8)
- Figure 2. Graphs of the value change over time (left); total absolute accumulated depreciation (middle) and the annual (periodic) absolute depreciation (right). Traditional regressive depreciation model, based on (14)
- Figure 3. Graphs of the value change over time (left); total absolute accumulated depreciation (middle) and the annual (periodic) absolute depreciation (right). Proposed regressive depreciation model, based on (16)
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