Lifelong learning progress monitoring as a tool for local development management
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #3, pp. 1-13
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The concept of learning cities and regions is recently becoming widespread both in the European and global theory of regional development acting as a tool for successful local socio-economic development management of a city and region, development of their human potential, the basis of the regional education policy of countries. Analysis of theoretical principles and, particularly, the practice of implementing the concept of learning cities and regions for Ukraine is currently a necessary condition for its sustainable development, full entry into the European and global economy, as well as the educational space. All mentioned above makes relevant the research of theory and practice of the European and world regional education policy on the example of learning cities and regions. The article analyzes the potential of the Composite Learning Index and European Lifelong Learning Index to monitor the progress of lifelong learning as a tool for local development management and proposes the list of indicators and measures – the Ukrainian Lifelong Learning Index – adapted to the Ukrainian education area.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I25, R50, O15
- Figure 1. Model of Ukrainian Lifelong Learning Index calculation
- Table 1. Learning pillars
- Table 2. The adapted dimension of learning to know
- Table 3. The adapted dimension of learning to do
- Table 4. The adapted dimension of learning to live together
- Table 5. The adapted dimension of learning to be
- Table 6. Economic and social outcomes of learning
- Table 7. Economic and social outcomes of learning in context of Ukrainian Lifelong Learning Index
- Table А1. The dimension of learning to know
- Table А2. The dimension of learning to do
- Table А3. The dimension of learning to live together
- Table А4 The dimension of learning to be
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