Indirect determinants of online purchase decisions: A case study of different generations in Peru


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This study aims to analyze the mediation effect of subjective norms and perceived behavioral control on the linkage between online consumer attitude and online purchase decisions of generation X, generation Y (millennials), and generation Z (centennials) in developing countries, particularly Peru. This empirical investigation surveyed 121 respondents of generation X, 200 millennials, and 200 centennials in Peru. The data were processed through structural equation modeling approach. This study demonstrates that online consumer attitude positively and significantly influences online purchase decisions; this relationship is enhanced through the mediation effect of subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. Furthermore, the results indicate that the effect of the proposed variables is improved progressively in each generation, showing a greater willingness of centennials to purchase online, followed by millennials and generation X. This study assessed online consumer attitudes of different generations in Peru toward the online purchase decisions and the mediation effect of subjective norms and perceived behavior control on the mentioned relationship, which showed improved results when incorporated into a single model.

The authors thank the Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa for supporting this project.

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    • Figure 1. Theoretical research model
    • Figure 2. Model results
    • Table 1. Descriptive statistics and correlations matrix
    • Table 2. Evaluation of the measurement model
    • Table 3. Summary of results for generations X, Y, and Z
    • Conceptualization
      Patricia Zirena-Bejarano
    • Formal Analysis
      Patricia Zirena-Bejarano
    • Supervision
      Patricia Zirena-Bejarano
    • Writing – original draft
      Patricia Zirena-Bejarano, Elbia Myreyle Chávez Zirena
    • Investigation
      Elbia Myreyle Chávez Zirena
    • Resources
      Elbia Myreyle Chávez Zirena
    • Validation
      Elbia Myreyle Chávez Zirena, Bernardo De La Gala Velasquez
    • Methodology
      Bernardo De La Gala Velasquez
    • Software
      Bernardo De La Gala Velasquez
    • Writing – review & editing
      Bernardo De La Gala Velasquez