Impact of corporate social responsibility strategies on consumer patronage of telecommunication industry: an MTN experience in Enugu state
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #1, pp. 216-229
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies on consumer patronage of telecommunication industry: an MTNF Science and Technology State. It specifically aims to determine the influence of MTNF Science and Technology Scholarship Scheme as a CSR strategy on consumer patronage of MTN and also, to assess the influence of MTN Foundation Restructured Schools Connect Project as a CSR strategy on the corporate image of MTN. The survey research method was chosen for the study. The study population comprises subscribers of MTN in Enugu State, which is 1,295.918. A sample size of 400 was determined using Taro Yamane’s formula. Applying the simple linear regression, the findings revealed that MTNF Science and Technology Scholarship Scheme as a CSR strategy has a significant influence on consumer patronage of MTN (r = 0.945; t = 56.377; F = 3173.334; p < 0.05). Similarly, it was revealed that there is significant influence of MTN Foundation Restructured Schools Connect Project as a CSR strategy on corporate image of MTN (r = 0.978; t = 92.313; F = 8521.649; p < 0.05). Consequently, the study concludes that CSR is an effective marketing strategy for acquiring customer patronage and generating goodwill and good corporate image. Therefore, MTN should consolidate on executing and improving on CSR projects. This is highly significant as improved CSR will ensure improved customer patronage and boost good corporate image for MTN.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M14
- Figure 1. The “Black Box” model of consumer behavior
- Table 1. Coded responses on the influence of MTNF science and technology scholarship scheme as a corporate social responsibility strategy on consumer patronage of MTN telecom services provider
- Table 2. Model summaryb
- Table 3. Coded responses on the influence of MTN foundation restructured schools connect project as a corporate social responsibility strategy on the corporate image of MTN telecom services provider
- Table 4. Model summaryb
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