Human resources practices as a mechanism for improving performance within public institutions and state-owned enterprises in Morocco
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #1, pp. 41-56
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In an economic environment marked by rapid change, characterized by factors such as globalization and increasing demands from stakeholders and clients, public institutions and state-owned enterprises have become significant players through their multiple interventions in providing public services to citizens and businesses, in implementing structuring projects for economic and social development, and in promoting investment. This paper aims to examine the correlation between human resource management and employee performance within Moroccan public institutions and state-owned enterprises to understand how these organizations should manage their human capital to enhance their performance. The sample consists of 67 top executives of Moroccan entities operating in various sectors. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire completed by the participants. Partial least squares (PLS) was used to estimate structural equation models and analyze causal relationships between variables. SmartPLS 4 software was employed for model analysis. The findings reveal a positive and significant impact of training, selective recruitment, digital transformation, and performance-based compensation on employee performance improvement. The results indicate that the T-values are 3.126, 2.870, 2.178, and 2.406, respectively. Regarding the Q² value, it stands at 0.899, confirming the model’s predictive capability. The GoF coefficient is 0.851, affirming the overall validity of the model. However, it was observed that there is no significant link between job security and performance, as the T-values did not exceed the threshold of 1.64. This study suggests adopting changes in HRM practices to enhance the organizational performance of public institutions and state-owned enterprises.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)C51, L32, M12, O15, J24
- Figure 1. Research framework
- Figure 2. Presentation in SMART PLS 4 of the AVE and loading values
- Table 1. Demographic sample
- Table 2. The discriminant validity of the model (Fornell-Larker Criterion)
- Table 3. Results of model validation
- Table 4. Evaluation of R² and F²
- Table A1. Study survey instrument
- Table A2. Representation of the variables used in the study to measure convergent validity and discriminant validity
- Table A3. Discriminant validity-cross loading
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