How job stress happens among bank tellers in Cambodia


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In the professional activity of a bank teller, the palette of emotional states is extremely large, but the dominant state is the state of emotional tension, which depends on the nature of the performed actions, professional experience and motivation of the employee. This study examines the consequences of occupational stress on employee motivation and job satisfaction across different organizational contexts. It focuses on the role conflict, supervisor support, work-family conflict, and job stress experienced by bank tellers in Cambodia. Data were collected from a sample of 649 tellers working in various Cambodian banks using the snowball sampling technique. The results show that role conflict and supervisor support have a significant impact on work-family conflict, which in turn affects the levels of workplace stress experienced by tellers. Role conflict is identified as the primary factor contributing to occupational stress. The study suggests that banks should address inter-role conflicts among tellers to reduce stress levels and promote a more efficient workplace atmosphere.

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    • Figure 1. Job stress model
    • Figure 2. Results of path analysis
    • Table 1. Content reliability and convergent validity
    • Table 2. Discriminant validity
    • Table 3. Model fit
    • Table 4. Results and hypothesis testing
    • Conceptualization
      Nuttaprachya Nantavisit, Long Kim, Sook Fern Yeo
    • Methodology
      Nuttaprachya Nantavisit, Long Kim, Siwarit Pongsakornrungsilp
    • Validation
      Nuttaprachya Nantavisit, Long Kim, Sook Fern Yeo
    • Writing – original draft
      Nuttaprachya Nantavisit, Long Kim
    • Software
      Long Kim, Siwarit Pongsakornrungsilp
    • Supervision
      Long Kim
    • Writing – review & editing
      Long Kim, Siwarit Pongsakornrungsilp
    • Formal Analysis
      Sook Fern Yeo
    • Resources
      Sook Fern Yeo, Siwarit Pongsakornrungsilp
    • Project administration
      Siwarit Pongsakornrungsilp