Gender differentiation of payment for labor in Ukraine

  • Received March 30, 2019;
    Accepted May 3, 2019;
    Published June 6, 2019
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 9 2019, Issue #1, pp. 1-13
  • Cited by
    3 articles

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In spite of the large number of normative and legal documents dealing with gender issues, a problem of ensuring equal rights of men and women does still exist in Ukraine. The article is mainly devoted to the gender inequality of payment for labor. The purpose of the study is to highlight the peculiarities of gender asymmetry of payment for labor, to outline directions for reducing it, and to make proposals on achieving gender equality of payment for labor. The labor market analysis in 2013-2017 showed that gender gap of payment for labor depends on the type of economic activity. The study also found the largest gender-based payment gap in the highest legislative body, the Ukrainian parliament, due to the small number of women in its composition, which in some way affects all social sectors. In conclusion, a number of gender differentiation features in payment for labor were singled out. The authors had proposed ways to overcome the gender gap and suggested appropriate measures to be taken. It is necessary to establish gender quotas in the parliament and to impose fines for their non-compliance, a similar proposal applies to senior positions of state institutions. There is also a need to inform society about the topic under study, to develop programs for women in rural areas, and to introduce indicators of gender inequality in enterprise reporting.

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    • Figure 1. Співвідношення чисельності жінок та чоловіків, зайнятих у відповідних видах діяльності у 2017 році та їхньої заробітної плати
    • Figure 2. Динаміка частки жінок в українському парламенті (до і після проголошення незалежності України), %
    • Figure 3. Гістограма частот співвідношення заробітної плати жінок та чоловіків по регіонам у 2017 році, %
    • Table 1. Співвідношення між рівнем середньої заробітної плати жінок та чоловіків у 2013- 2017 рр., %