Gaining competitive advantage through intellectual capital and knowledge management: an exploration of inhibitors and enablers in Jordanian Universities

  • Received May 9, 2018;
    Accepted July 27, 2018;
    Published August 15, 2018
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 16 2018, Issue #3, pp. 259-268
  • Cited by
    12 articles

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This small-scale study aimed to explore the different factors that help or hinder the achievement of competitive advantage through the possession and development of intellectual capital and the delivery of effective knowledge management in a sample of Jordanian universities. Using a quantitative methodology, underpinned by a pragmatist theoretical approach, an electronic survey was conducted with staff working within three established universities based in Jordan. The concepts of intellectual capital, knowledge management and competitive advantage within an academic setting are first explored before focusing more specifically on investigating how different factors influence these and impact on competitive advantage. Overall, the study identified a range of inhibitors and enablers relating to intellectual capital and knowledge management and identified areas where universities need to develop in order to increase future competitive advantage. The study therefore makes a valuable contribution in adding to the body of evidence within this field.

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    • Table 1. Respondents role by university
    • Table 2. Respondents’ demographic profile
    • Table 3. Mean scores – levels of understanding of concepts (5 = highest level of understanding, 1 = lowest level of understanding)
    • Table 4. Summary of existence and importance of factors
    • Table 5. Views on existence of key knowledge management and intellectual capital factors and their importance to contributing towards competitive advantage