Factors of macroeconomic growth in Nigeria: wages demand, taxes, and entrepreneurship development
Article InfoVolume 17 2020, Issue #1, pp. 242-252
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This paper contributes to clarifying the scientific debate on the impact of entrepreneurship development and wages increases on Nigeria’s macroeconomic development. The main purpose of this research is to estimate the impacts, problems, and consequences between wages growth and the growth of a long-term relationship between wages and investment. The article deals with the current state of Nigeria’s macroeconomic indicators. The methodological tools for the research are the ARDL and DOLS methods, which were used to study the relationships between the macroeconomic indicators. The research period is 1987–2019. The research empirically confirms and theoretically proves that the country operates under unstable and uncertain conditions, so it is difficult to achieve macroeconomic stability. Also, the article presents the results of the analysis, which has shown a positive and statistically significant effect of raising the minimum wages on economic growth both in the long and short term. The study results can be useful for state authorities, private sector, as well as for the researchers.
This research was prepared as a part of the Scientific Project “Modeling the Transfer of Eco-Innovations in the Enterprise-Region-State System: Impact on Ukraine’s Economic Growth and Security” (No. 0119U100364), that is financed by the state budget of Ukraine.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)E24, L26, G31
- Table 1. DOLS test for cointegration relationship in the equation
- Table 2. Estimated coefficients of the equation using DOLS approach-dependent variable
- Table 3. ARDL bound test for cointegration relationship
- Table 4. DOLS test for cointegration relationship
- Table 5. Estimated long-run coefficients using the ARDL Approach-Dependent variable
- Table 6. Error correction representation for the ARDL model
- Table 7. Model diagnostics and stability tests
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