Examining the adoption of mobile banking: Empirical evidence from Indonesian Muslim students
Article InfoVolume 17 2022, Issue #2, pp. 138-149
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The shifting trend toward m-banking services has caused competition, as multiple banks compete to convince customers to adopt m-banking services, and so must deliver excellent services. As a result, banks must prioritize meeting client expectations and providing high-quality services to compete. This study aims to examine the factors influencing Muslim students’ intentions to use mobile banking (m-banking) in Islamic banks (IB), conventional banks (CB), and conventional Islamic banks in Indonesia (ICB). The study sample consisted of 315 Muslim students who use m-banking in Islamic banks, 369 Muslim students who use conventional banks, and 207 Muslim students who use conventional Islamic banks. The partial least square (PLS) method was used to evaluate the unified theory of acceptance and the use of technology (UTAUT) on Muslim students’ intention in using m-banking. Based on the value of the coefficient of determinant (R2), the UTAUT model in this study is classified as a moderate model. This study reveals that facilitating conditions (FC), habit (HA) and performance expectancy (PE) affect Muslim students’ intentions to use m-banking at Islamic and conventional banks. Meanwhile, the intentions of Muslim students who use m-banking in conventional Islamic banks is influenced by effort expectancy (EE), FC, HA and PE. Surprisingly, social influence (SI) has no effect on Muslim students’ intentions to use mobile banking at Islamic, conventional, and Islamic conventional banks.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M10, M15, G20, G21
- Table 1. Respondents’ profile
- Table 2. Factor loadings
- Table 3. CA, CR and AVE
- Table 4. Discriminant validity
- Table 5. Hypotheses testing
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