Estimation of transport industry’s economic sustainability as an element of strategic management: case of Poland and Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #2, pp. 501-514
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The transport sector’s economic sustainability is an important factor in economic development, trade, quality, and safe transportation of goods and passengers, and regional and international integration. The tools of the transport sector’s strategic management should be based on assessing its current economic stability. Applying statistical and regression analysis of Ukraine and Poland’s transport sector, an approach to assessing the level of economic stability is formulated based on a system of integrated indicators of elementary, general, and specific stability. The integrated indicator of elementary economic stability considers the dynamics of the number of economic entities in the industry and their profitability. In Ukraine in 2018, this figure is –0.042, in Poland – 3.37. The integrated indicator of overall economic stability considers the number of employees in the industry, the gross domestic product created by enterprises in the industry, and the number of enterprises. In Ukraine, it is equal to –0.049, in Poland – 3.71. The integrated indicator of the transport sector’s specific economic stability takes into account the volume of passengers, freight, and cargo handling, and in Ukraine, it is –0.040, in Poland – 3.38.
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JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O18, O11, L91
- Figure 1. The dynamics of the number of enterprises operating in the transport industry in 2013–2018 in Ukraine and Poland, units
- Figure 2. The dynamics of GDP created in the transport industry in 2013–2018 in Ukraine (million UAH) and Poland (million PLN)
- Figure 3. The dynamics of the number of employees in the transport industry during 2013–2018 in Ukraine and Poland, thousand people
- Figure 4. The dynamics of volume of passenger traffic in 2013–2018 in Ukraine and Poland, million people
- Figure 5. The dynamics of volume of cargo transportation in 2013–2018 in Ukraine and Poland, million tons
- Figure 6. The dynamics of volume of cargo turnover in 2013–2018 in Ukraine and Poland, billion ton*km
- Figure 7. Structural-logical scheme of ensuring the economic stability of the transport industry
- Table 1. The boundaries of indicators of economic sustainability of the transport industry
- Table 2. Dynamics of indicators of economic sustainability of transport industry of Ukraine for 2013–2018
- Table 3. Dynamics of indicators of economic sustainability of transport industry of Poland for 2013–2018
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