Estimation of the marketing potential of industrial enterprises in the period of re-engineering of business processes
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #2, pp. 412-423
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Activity of business entities requires a constant increase in the level of their economic potential and the level of competitiveness of the products on the market. This task can be fulfilled provided the concept of constant economic growth is formed in the activity of enterprises, which can be implemented through the management of changes in the economic activity of enterprises. One of the components is the marketing activity, which plays one of the leading roles in shaping the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise when carrying out transformational changes in its activity. These changes, which are the re-engineering of business processes, help the company management adapt to the changing market (marketing) environment and optimize the internal business processes. The relevance of the research is undeniable. The article presents the main directions of transition to the effective marketing activity in the period of re-engineering of industrial enterprises’ business processes based on the analysis of the main trends of marketing and innovation activities of economic entities from different countries. The authors developed the indices that characterize the marketing potential of the company during the business processes’ re-engineering. They proposed to use an integral index of the company’s marketing potential during radical transformations and to take effective management decisions based on the prevailing range of its criteria values when carrying out an economic estimation of the company’s marketing potential in the period of business processes’ re-engineering. The results obtained from the calculations demonstrate the final estimation of the industrial enterprise’s marketing potential during the business processes’ re-engineering, which allows the top management of the industrial company to determine the level of performance of the company marketing activity and make sound managerial decisions for its further development.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L16, M31, O32
- Table 1. Comparative analysis of the global competitiveness of the countries across the world in 2017, cu/rank
- Table 2. Incoming information on the estimation of the marketing potential of JSC Sumy Plant Nasosenergomash in the period of business processes’ re-engineering
- Table 3. Normalized indices of the marketing potential of JSC Sumy Plant Nasosenergomash in the period of the business processes’ re-engineering
- Table 4. Ranges of criteria values of an integral index of the marketing potential of JSC Sumy Plant Nasosenergomash in the period of business processes’ reengineering
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