Digital transformation and new business models as determinants of formation of the economy of nontypical employment

  • Received July 4, 2020;
    Accepted July 30, 2020;
    Published September 14, 2020
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 10 2020, Issue #1, pp. 33-54
  • Cited by
    24 articles

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

With the development of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the formation of a new technological basis – “Industry 4.0” - a dynamic multi-vector transformation of the leading institutes of economy and society takes place, social and labor relations in general and employment in particular acquire new format and content. The quintessence of the article is a scientific-applied substantiation of the construct of nontypical employment economy, scientific argumentation and further development of previous researches of authors regarding determinants of gig-economy formation under the influence of economic and social development “digitalization” and emergence of new business models. that radically change all components of the world of work. New facets of the complex world of work and employment have been revealed and the increase of the newest knowledge in this field has been received under systematic research of a chain of changes: introduction of “Industry 4.0” breakthrough technologies → “digitalization” as a dominant vector of technological innovations → formation of new business models → changes in social division of labor and the content of labor processes → the emergence and intensive development of employment forms immanent to the new (digital) economy. It is substantiated that the main root cause, a kind of “trig- ger” for the emergence and reproduction of the chain of researched changes is digital transformation of the economy and society. The essence of today’s phenomena, which determine the development of the “gig economy”, is revealed. The argumentation of the spread of platform business models and their impact on the world of work and employment is given. A new theoretical construction of a chain of changes, the “output” of which is new forms and, a new platform for social and labor developmen t in general, has been suggested. The research focuses on finding answers to a number of questions posed to every conscious person. Among them are the following ones: Why can’t the modern economy “get along” with traditional (standard) forms of employment? Why does atypicality become not the exception but the norm? How do specific mechanisms and tools for transforming standard forms of employment into new ones, which are immanent to modern conditions of economic and social progress, behave in practice?

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    • Figure 1. Ланцюг формування економіки нестандартної зайнятості
    • Figure 2. Схема ментальної конструкції моделі економіки нестандартної зайнятості
    • Table 1. Ключові складові цифрової трансформації бізнесу
    • Table 2. Основні порівняльні характеристики традиційних і платформових бізнес-моделей
    • Table 3. Основні типи платформ за ознакою створення цінності
    • Table 4. Тижнева тривалість робочого часу в країнах ЄС-15 (у відсотках)
    • Table 5. Частка працівників, які зайняті у дистанційному режимі роботи, у США в розрізі обраних характеристик, %
    • Conceptualization
      Anatoliy Kolot , Oksana Herasymenko
    • Data curation
      Anatoliy Kolot
    • Methodology
      Anatoliy Kolot , Oksana Herasymenko
    • Project administration
      Anatoliy Kolot
    • Resources
      Anatoliy Kolot
    • Supervision
      Anatoliy Kolot
    • Writing – original draft
      Anatoliy Kolot , Oksana Herasymenko
    • Writing – review & editing
      Anatoliy Kolot , Oksana Herasymenko
    • Visualization
      Oksana Herasymenko