Development trends of local taxes in the system of local budgets in Ukraine

  • Received December 12, 2019;
    Accepted December 28, 2019;
    Published January 17, 2020
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 8 2019, Issue #1, pp. 104-111
  • Cited by
    6 articles

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Effective system of local self-government is a key to the successful development of a democratic state. It should be aimed at ensuring the effective performance of functions by the authorities, creating environment for obtaining quality services by citizens, and introducing and expanding the system of local taxes.
Local taxes make the financial basis for the activities of local self-government bodies. However, nowadays, the lack of their volume and revenue instability are considered as a matter of national concern. Funding of state delegated powers, which is mainly due to transfer payments, is characterized by the delayed receipt of revenues and the lack of revenue in terms of targets, thereby creating problems with financing from local budgets.
The article investigates the essentials of local taxation in the system of local budgets in Ukraine. It also summarizes methodological approaches to determining the nature of local taxes, clarifies their fiscal role in the local tax system and local budgets, and analyzes the existing practice of formation and implementation of local taxes in local budget revenues. Besides, prospective lines of improvement of the local taxation system are investigated and recommendations for its development are elaborated. Also, the subject to reform of the system of tax and budgetary relations was substantiated; changes in some administration mechanisms, the list expansion due to environmental fees and strengthened control over the unshadowing of small and medium businesses were offered.

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    • Figure 1. The structure of local taxes (fees) in Ukraine
    • Figure 2. List of taxes belonging to local authorities
    • Figure 3. Changes in the share of local taxes of Ukraine in 2016–2018
    • Figure 4. Changes in the structure of property tax receipts to local budgets of Ukraine for 2016–2018, UAH mln
    • Table 1. Structure of local taxes and fees, %