Determinants of banking sector development in developing and emerging economies: Unveiling the role of economic growth, trade openness, and financial liberalization

  • Received March 13, 2023;
    Accepted September 6, 2023;
    Published September 25, 2023
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 18 2023, Issue #3, pp. 177-191
  • Cited by
    1 articles

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

The determinants of financial development in developing and emerging economies are examined in this article. The long-term relationships between banking sector development, financial integration, trade openness, and economic growth are explored using FMOLS-DOLS panel estimations spanning from 1980 to 2021. The critical significance of economic growth, trade openness, and financial liberalization as fundamental drivers of banking system progress is underscored by the results. To investigate this relationship, two specifications are introduced to measure banking sector development: private credits (specification 1) and the ME ratio (specification 2), which is defined as the ratio of M3 to GDP. In the context of specification 1, quantitative outcomes reveal that a 1% increase in economic growth results in a substantial rise of 0.207% in banking sector development according to FMOLS, and 0.972% according to DOLS. Similarly, a 1% increase in trade openness has a noteworthy positive impact of 0.019% on banking development. Furthermore, the results indicate that financial liberalization contributes positively to banking sector development, with an effect of 0.002%. In the context of specification 2, the impact of economic growth is more pronounced, with a significant increase of 0.3187% (FMOLS) and 0.852% (DOLS). However, trade openness (TRADE_OP) manifests a negative impact of –0.392% (FMOLS) and a positive impact of 0.0162% (DOLS). In conclusion, the critical importance of economic growth, trade openness, and financial liberalization in the development of the banking sector in developing and emerging economies is underscored by the empirical evidence. Prudent economic and financial policies, along with strengthened regulation and supervision, are recommended to foster sustainable and resilient financial development in these contexts.

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    • Table 1. A review of the literature on the link between financial development, opening policies, and economic policy
    • Table 2. Unit root test in Panel A
    • Table 3. Unit root test in Panel B
    • Table 4. Descriptive statistics of variables, Panel A
    • Table 5. Descriptive statistics of variables, Panel B
    • Table 6. Cointegration tests (KAO)
    • Table 7. Panel A – Long-run elasticity
    • Table 8. Panel B – Long-run elasticity
    • Conceptualization
      Chedlia Farhat
    • Data curation
      Chedlia Farhat
    • Formal Analysis
      Chedlia Farhat
    • Investigation
      Chedlia Farhat
    • Software
      Chedlia Farhat
    • Validation
      Chedlia Farhat
    • Visualization
      Chedlia Farhat
    • Writing – original draft
      Chedlia Farhat
    • Writing – review & editing
      Chedlia Farhat