Confirmatory analysis of the model to measure employee engagement
Article InfoVolume 14 2016, Issue #2, pp. 93-103
A model to measure the employee engagement was developed by researching historical employee engagement models. These models, consisting of employee engagement constructs and their measuring criteria, have been empirically validated and factorized into seven employee engagement factors. The seven employee engagement factors (of which factor one consists of two sub-factors) were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis to ensure the inclusion of the factors in the validated model to measure employee engagement. The model was also tested for goodness of fit, and the model shows good fit indices with the Comparative Fit Index (0.799), while the good model fit of the secondary fit indices RMSEA (0.078 within a narrow margin of 0.004) and Hoelter (113 at p <= 0.1; 111 at p <= 0.05) also show satisfactory model fit. Management can use the model as diagnostic tool to measure employee engagement and to apply it in managerial decision-making. On the other hand, academics could apply the model to extend their research in employee engagement