Viktoriia Samoilenko
1 publications
0 books
The methodological approaches to the staff performance management
The main theoretical approaches to the definition of the “personnel effectiveness” content are considered. To this end, a comparative analysis of the essential features of the concept by different scientists was carried out, the main common and distinctive features in the given definitions are described. In order to determine the role of the effective use of personnel in the enterprise management system, a statistical and correlation-regression analysis was performed based on the State Statistics Service of Ukraine data. The main components of the system for managing the staff performance are revealed, in particular, its purpose, object and both objective and subjective composition are substantiated. Based on the use of the system approach, the main directions of the formation of a system for managing the efficiency of personnel use are formulated. The scientific novelty of this research is in systematizing approaches to determining the meaning of the effectiveness of the use of enterprise personnel. The main elements and stages of the formation of a system for managing the efficiency of personnel use are specified. The practical significance of the article stems from the possibility of using the results of empirical research in further scientific developments from the outlined issues. The peculiarities of the dynamics of indicators of labor productivity, profitability of labor costs for enterprises in the Ukrainian economy are analyzed. The construction of a regression model, which expresses the dependence of added value on the indicators of the efficiency of personnel use, made it possible to reveal the importance of the formation of a personnel management system in the process of development of both individual enterprises and economic growth of the Ukrainian economy as a whole.