Ernani Hadiyati
1 publications
0 books
Role of tourist motivation as mediating variable on visitor decisions at Indonesian tourism village
Martaleni Martaleni, Ernani Hadiyati
, Yussi Isna Pertiwi , Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasa
The tourism sector has become a truly global force for promoting economic growth and development. Therefore, the study of tourism has become an interesting topic for researchers lately. On the other hand, local tourism, generally in developing countries, is often neglected by academics and policymakers. For this reason, this study aims to examine and analyze the role of tourist motivation in mediating accessibility, amenities, and attractions on visiting decisions. This study is a survey research with an explanatory method. The population is tourists who visit the tourism village of Bumiaji, Indonesia, in the low and busy seasons. The population is infinite and the number of respondents who were interviewed is 100 respondents; data were collected by distributing questionnaires to domestic tourists who came from outside the tourist village of Bumiaji, then the data were processed and analyzed using Warp Partial Least Squares. The findings indicate that the effect of accessibility on visiting decisions is not mediated by tourist motivation. This shows that the decision of tourists to visit can be directly influenced by the time and means of transportation available. Meanwhile, the influence of amenities and attractions on the decision to visit is mediated by the motivation of tourists. This means that amenities and attractions can influence a tourist’s decision to visit if there is an urge from tourist to relax or make friends or enjoy the culture at tourist attractions, etc.
Digital marketing as a determinant variable for improving the business performance
This study analyzes the complex relationships between digital marketing, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), сompetitiveness, and business performance in the creative industry Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), focusing on craft-leading products in urban areas of East Java province. According to the sample size, the number of survey respondents was 172. There were 86 male entrepreneurs (50%) and 86 female entrepreneurs (50%). Primary data were collected by distributing the questionnaires according to the number of respondents to SME entrepreneurs who are managers or company owners with competence in the business field and more than five years of business experience. The analysis used Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results emphasize that digital marketing affects business performance through CRM by 0.126 with p-value of 0.006, and competitiveness by 0.260 with p-value of 0.000. It can be explained that digital media can identify, recruit, and turn potential customers into loyal customers. Higher demands from customers for online services are becoming increasingly crucial for digital marketing and business activities. The essence of the results of this study is that the more effective digital marketing is, the more influential the company’s CRM is to improve the company’s business performance, including profit growth, sales growth, and employment growth. The critical role of digital strategy, CRM, and competitiveness on business performance can overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic and drive success in creative industry SMEs of superior products in East Java, highlighted in this study.
The author would like to thank the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology of The Republic of Indonesia, which has supported the research implementation and permitted publication of this article.
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