Assessment of social and environmental dimensions of stockbreeding efficiency at agricultural enterprises
Article InfoVolume 18 2019, Issue #4, pp. 28-40
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The article explores theoretical and practical approaches to determining the nature of social, economic and environmental efficiency and evaluates social, economic, and environmental efficiency of cattle breeding in Ukraine. Negative trends in the industry are revealed accompanied by a decrease in the number of cattle, including cows, a decrease in production volumes of the industry, loss of production of cattle meat and a low level of profitability of milk production. To develop a motivational mechanism for improving the performance of social, economic and environmental functions of the stockbreeding industry by agricultural enterprises, a mechanism for raising its income has been proposed. The use of the socio-economic-environmental coefficient (SEEC) as an element of the proposed mechanism is justified. SEEC is an integral indicator of the social, economic and environmental efficiency of the stockbreeding development. This coefficient was verified through the example of agricultural enterprises of Kharkiv region, which in 2018 produced stockbreeding products. The relationship between SEEC and stockbreeding performance indicators was found to be related to the law of diminishing returns from changes in cost recovery due to income from milk sales and profit per cow. The maximum cost-recovery value is achieved with an SEEC of 2.1. According to a survey of 91 agricultural enterprises, only four enterprises could receive financial support for the high rates of social, economic and environmental efficiency of cattle breeding. In 2018, the amount of such support could be UAH 52,626.2 thousand.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)E64, Q14, Q18
- Figure 1. Залежність між СЕЕК скотарства і окупністю витрат виручкою від реалізації продукції скотарства в сільськогосподарських підприємствах Харківської області в 2018 р.
- Table 1. Групування підприємств Харківської області за величиною СЕЕК у скотарстві (2018 р.)
- Table 2. Алгоритм розрахунку субсидій підприємствам, в яких СЕЕК вище розрахункового (максимального) значення в сільськогосподарських підприємствах Харківської області (2018 р.)
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