Assessment of an enterprise’s energy security based on multi-criteria tasks modeling
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #4, pp. 102-116
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Today Ukrainian business entities operate in conditions of macroeconomic instability, environmental disturbance, energy dependence on risk of instable and interrupted supply and high cost of energy resources, excessive energy consumption and inefficient use of fuel and energy resources, which requires immediate actions as for finding solutions to ensure energy security. The goal of the article is to solve multi-criteria tasks focused on making managerial decisions regarding the development of enterprise energy security system based on evaluation of influence of numerous factors. As a result of this study, main components of energy security of the enterprise and most important influence factors are determined. The mathematical model of the hierarchy of factors in terms of their influence on the energy security of the enterprise with the use of graph theory is developed. Use of iterative procedure to determine the levels of hierarchy of factors allowed to assess the importance/priority of their influence on energy security of the enterprise. Thus, the developed model of hierarchy of factors based on the applied scientific and methodical approach to determine their influence on energy security of the enterprise provides the opportunity to get a detailed idea of factors interaction, interconnections and influence on energy security of the enterprise, which ultimately leads to elaboration of complex optimal/agreed managerial decisions in context of development and implementation of energy security system of the enterprise.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)Q40, C60, M11
- Figure 1. Graph of interrelations between the energy security of the enterprise and the influence factors
- Figure 2. Matrix of reachability fragment on C Sharp software
- Figure 3. Model of hierarchy of the factors of influence on energy security of the enterprise
- Table 1. Matrix of interrelations between the factors of influence on energy security of the enterprise
- Table 2. Sequence of iterations determining the hierarchy levels of factors influencing the energy security of the enterprise
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