An institutional mechanism for integrating domestic manufacturing into global value chains


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The study reveals the peculiarities of modern global production development due to global value chains (GVCs) formation that allow both developing and developed countries to integrate successfully into international production networks. This research is aimed at identifing key factors responsible for the upstream movement of Ukraine through GVCs and determining locations for production capacities, as well as at developing an institutional mechanism for facilitating the successful integration of domestic producers into GVSs. To achieve this, a multiple linear regression reflecting the interrelation between manufacturing industry share in exports value added and the institutional and economic indicators is analyzed. Three scientific hypotheses are tested and two of them are verified. The multiple linear regression results disclose a significant impact of institutional factors on the country’s ability to participate in GVCs and justify the first hypothesis, namely the higher the government effectiveness and regulatory quality are, the higher the manufacturing value added in exports is. Better governance and administrative functions performance enhance companies’ export potential. The model also verifies the second hypothesis that emphasizes better ability to join GVCs with low and medium technology product than with a high technology one. The model outputs contradict the third hypothesis on the protectionism: high tariffs for imports significantly matter in exports promotion. However, this result should be considered while accounting for the global trend of trade liberalization and Ukraine’s international agreements. The article proposes policy recommendations for improving the positions of Ukraine in GVCs.

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    • Figure 1. Ukrainian exports of industrial goods, 2010–2017
    • Figure 2. Comparative advantages in value added share in GDP of Ukraine and worldwide, 1995–2017
    • Figure 3. Institutional mechanism of country’s integration into global value chains
    • Table 1. Data for regression analysis
    • Table 2. Descriptive statistics and correlation matrix
    • Table 3. Regression results