Vladyslav Maslov
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Development of business architecture of the banking sector based on public-private partnership
Аnzhela Kuznyetsova, Іryna Boiarko
, Viсtoria Rudevska
, Vladyslav Maslov
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/bbs.17(2).2022.13
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 17, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 150-162
Views: 646 Downloads: 215 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of the paper is to identify promising areas of business architecture of the banking sector of Ukraine’s economy based on public-private partnerships. Business architecture integrates risks due to the predominance in a certain period of development of the banking sector of different business models. Its development should involve the subordination of private interests of the banking business to national and public needs to achieve economic growth. Such a public-private partnership should become an institutional tool for the formation and functioning of a business architecture, based on socially responsible banking.
Development directions of business architecture of the Ukrainian banking sector based on public-private partnership are determined by the results of correlation and regression assessment of the impact of business architecture on economic growth in 2015–2020.
The generalization of the effects on gross investment and gross consumption allows identifying the following areas for targeted changes in business architecture of the banking sector in Ukraine’s economy: 1) reducing the lending activity of banks with retail, corporate, and universal business models; 2) incitement the lending activity of banks with a corporate business model with retail financing and a business model of limited credit intermediation.
The paper substantiates the feasibility of transition to mesoprudential banking regulation and supervision. The main priority of this approach is to reduce systemic risks, which is determined by the propensity for similar risks within groups of financial institutions with the same business models.
1 Articles
1 Articles
1 Articles