Oleksandra Karmaza
5 publications
0 books
Legal and economic aspects of Ukrainian enterprises activity at the European renewable energy market
Sergiy Bilotskiy , Nicole Danylova , Olena Grinenko , Oleksandra Karmaza, Daria Koucherets doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/imfi.14(2).2017.07
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 14, 2017 Issue #2 pp. 71-78
Views: 1146 Downloads: 540 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article deals with a current trend of the global energy market, which is characterized by rising tension in relations between the performers of the energy market regulation mechanisms, and it leads to the emergence of alternative energy sources. The article is called to identify the causes of renewable energy markets nascence, to make comparative description of Ukrainian and European Renewable Energy Markets attractiveness, and to characterize the state policy change in a renewable energy market. Different interpretation of nature and classification of the field of renewable energy in foreign and Ukrainian approaches shows the problem of legal criteria of renewable energy markets regulation. It is proved the existence of double barrier penetration of the European market for renewable energy for Ukrainian companies, which includes compliance with the accepted EU Directives and compliance with the Rules of each member individually. The presence of clearly defined standards and certificates of quality for the European market allows producers to show the competitiveness of Ukrainian products in the international market and stimulate Ukrainian manufacturers. The presence of clearly formulated laws, stable and balanced political and legal environment of the EU allows Ukrainian producers of renewable energy to develop such a strategy that considers the time factor, as the primary parameter of competitiveness in international business. The market of solid biofuels in EU is under formation, its development timeframe and uncertainty of environmental risks becoming is especially important for Ukrainian producers.
Economic security in investment projects management: convergence of accounting mechanisms
Nataliia Ostapiuk , Oleksandra Karmaza, Mykola Kurylo
, Gennady Timchenko doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/imfi.14(3-2).2017.06
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 14, 2017 Issue #3 pp. 353-360
Views: 1204 Downloads: 218 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯImplementation of business processes in Ukraine has become more structured in recent years. If previously the only goal was to get the most profitable investment and pay-off in the short term, and the attention to drawbacks and considerable riskiness of these projects was given already in case of their occurrence, now there is another management approach. Thus, the decision to attract additional funds involves a detailed analysis of the potential and existing risks of the project. The management focuses on continuous monitoring of the project implementation. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop an effective mechanism to evaluate an investment project, the effectiveness of its implementation, but from the perspective of the company’s economic security aimed at identifying and diversifying risks.
As such, the accounting system of the enterprise’s economic safety management is presented as to the investment projects execution based on the convergence of budgeting, management, financial accounting and elements of the economic analysis and control. The proposed system of investment project management is based on the definition of responsibility centers during the investment project implementation. The developed plan of actions and methods is aimed at creating effective tools for identifying risk factors and monitoring the investment projects effectiveness. Such a system provides an opportunity to operate an investment project promptly and flexibly, following clearly defined management tasks within the chosen strategy of enterprise’s economic security.
System management of investment project, which is a part of the overall business management, contributes to the achievement of goals set by the company at a given level of risks and financial performance.
Determinants of migration motives as a precondition for the migration flows formation
Kateryna Shymanska , Mykola Kurylo, Oleksandra Karmaza
, Gennady Timchenko doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.15(3-2).2017.05
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #3 pp. 352-364
Views: 1038 Downloads: 202 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe processes of international migration in recent years concern a large number of people due to many military conflicts intensification, borders liberalization, internationalization of education, etc. Migration motives are believed to consist of economic, socio-demographic, political and security, language-cultural and ecological and natural determinants. Reviewing migration motives and migration flows dependence on the respective determinants for Ukraine provided an opportunity to form a set of parameters to study empirically migration motivation for leaving abroad.
The article researches and generalizes the questionnaire results on migration motivation of individuals. The general results of respondents’ views on their potential migration format are highlighted. The respondents’ individual assessment of the reasoned determinants in relation to their influence on the motivating people to migrate abroad is analyzed. To confirm the results, the indicators of the individual determinants importance are presented. It is determined that the prevailing determinants of migration belong to the group of economic and political-security ones, in particular, low wages, high level of corruption in the country, high unemployment, corrupt and ineffective judicial protection system, state participation in armed conflicts and post-conflict state of the country, high level of inflation, high level of labor income taxation, the complexity of opening and closing a business. -
The concept of distribution of powers among accounting entities considering modernization strategy in the public sector of Ukraine
Nadiia Khorunzhak , Oleksandra Karmaza, Mykola Kurylo
, Hikmat Javadov doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.16(1).2018.09
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 96-104
Views: 1442 Downloads: 205 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯReformation of accounting in the public sector of Ukraine, which was aimed at adapting to the international standard requirements, led to some inconsistencies related to the division of powers of its subjects. In this regard, it became relevant to study not only the methodology transformation, but also to optimize the powers of accounting subjects. Avoiding duplication of functions will harmonize the accounting system, simplify the mechanisms of data formation and increase the effectiveness of making managerial decisions. The application of the approaches for differentiating the powers of the subjects of accounting and the links between them will improve the quality and informational outgoing credentials, which are subsequently used in making managerial decisions. The study results can serve as the basis for developing a comprehensive information management system for public sector entities aimed at improving their performance.
Non-financial reporting of companies and the necessity of its confirmation by auditors in Ukraine
Olena Petryk, Оleksii Kurylo , Oleksandra Karmaza
, Vitalii Makhinchuk , Olga Martyniuk
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.16(2).2018.35
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 385-395
Views: 1332 Downloads: 211 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe relevance of the study is caused by the fact that the non-financial reporting of business entities and the intensification of process of globalization are becoming nowadays an important source of information for making managerial decisions by different groups of stakeholders. The process of its implementation, definition of types, forms and content remains legally unregulated for Ukraine. A process of its audit requires a systemic solution and an appropriate independent audit opinion.
The purpose of the article is to summarize the European and international experience in the field of regulation of drawing up and publication of non-financial reporting, to work out problems of its content definition and to provide proposals for the regulation of these issues in Ukraine, to define the recommended groups of indicators, and to ground the main directions and tasks of their audit.
It is proposed to create a general concept for the implementation and development of non-financial reporting in Ukraine, which may require the adoption of the future Law of Ukraine “On Public Non-Financial Reporting”, national standards for its preparation, and relevant methodological recommendations for their implementation. The directions of development of theoretical, organizational and methodical issues of audit of non-financial reporting are provided.
A number of valid normative acts of the Audit Chamber of Ukraine in terms of the regulation of audit of non-financial reporting and improvement of professional qualifications of specialists require clarification and accompaniments.
- audit
- audit report
- budgeting
- comparative analyses
- control procedures
- demography
- economic expansion
- economic security
- energy consumption
- energy efficiency
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