Leonid M. Taraniuk
3 publications
0 books
Influence of the minimum salary level increase on the business entities activity in the context of the transition to the sustainable development
Leonid Melnyk, Leonid M. Taraniuk
, Olga Kozmenko , Lina Sineviciene
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.15(1).2017.07
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 72-79
Views: 1748 Downloads: 952 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the context of transition to the sustainable development actually justified and economically balanced managerial decisions are worth to be introduced into activity of the business entities. First of all, it is connected with the formation of the social standards by the Ukrainian government. Establishment of the minimum salary for the employees of the national economic complex of the country is one of the main components of these standards. This indicator influences both the increase of the population’s social welfare provision level and on the economy of the economic entities, including business representatives. Research was conducted in Ukraine. The main trends of the social welfare provision of the business sector entities, including the experience of Hungary and Russia, were analyzed in this article. The main rules of the effective social welfare provision, accounting the necessities of the business environment, were formed. Economical analysis of the retrospective and predictive information about the payroll payment and payment of social contributions was made. The influence of the increase of the minimum salary on the activity of business entities, taking into account raised minimum salary, was analyzed. The regressive model of the payroll budget dependence, accounting minimum salary and social contributions’ level increase, was designed. Obtained calculation results showed high level of tax burden on the business sector entities, so, organization-economic measures of tax burden decrease on the business entities were offered. They took into account minimum salary growth for their employees in the context of the transition to the sustainable development. Recommendations concerning the further scientific researches on the topic of the article were offered.
Estimation of the marketing potential of industrial enterprises in the period of re-engineering of business processes
Leonid M. Taraniuk, Denys S. Kobyzskyi
, Mark Thomson
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.16(2).2018.37
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 412-423
Views: 1465 Downloads: 182 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯActivity of business entities requires a constant increase in the level of their economic potential and the level of competitiveness of the products on the market. This task can be fulfilled provided the concept of constant economic growth is formed in the activity of enterprises, which can be implemented through the management of changes in the economic activity of enterprises. One of the components is the marketing activity, which plays one of the leading roles in shaping the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise when carrying out transformational changes in its activity. These changes, which are the re-engineering of business processes, help the company management adapt to the changing market (marketing) environment and optimize the internal business processes. The relevance of the research is undeniable. The article presents the main directions of transition to the effective marketing activity in the period of re-engineering of industrial enterprises’ business processes based on the analysis of the main trends of marketing and innovation activities of economic entities from different countries. The authors developed the indices that characterize the marketing potential of the company during the business processes’ re-engineering. They proposed to use an integral index of the company’s marketing potential during radical transformations and to take effective management decisions based on the prevailing range of its criteria values when carrying out an economic estimation of the company’s marketing potential in the period of business processes’ re-engineering. The results obtained from the calculations demonstrate the final estimation of the industrial enterprise’s marketing potential during the business processes’ re-engineering, which allows the top management of the industrial company to determine the level of performance of the company marketing activity and make sound managerial decisions for its further development.
Personnel aspects of marketing activity reengineering at the industrial enterprises
Leonid M. Taraniuk, Denys S. Kobyzskyi
, Karina Taraniuk
, Violeta Dimitrova
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/im.14(2).2018.03
While implementing the radical transformations, such as the business processes reengineering in the work of industrial enterprises, there is a need to increase the personnel operating efficiency in the business processes redesign. The urgent increase of control by the top management of companies is demanded for observing the procedure and standards of business processes reengineering at the enterprises in order to increase its cost effectiveness. Therefore, the relevance of the scientific research subject is indisputable. The research works of academic economists concerning the features of staffing for the business processes reengineering of companies are analyzed. The ways to overcome the resistance to organizational changes of industrial enterprises by the staff are developed. The description of the effective members of the reengineering team in the work of the company has been improved by forming special features of each member of the reengineering team. The personal and professional competencies of the personnel are shaped and offered as the most effective ones for successful realization of marketing activity reengineering at the industrial enterprises. A questionnaire was developed as part of the analysis and selection of personnel during the marketing activities reengineering at the industrial enterprises. The resulting component of the questionnaire was developed for making managerial decision on personnel selection in reengineering teams.
International aspects of assessing the logistic potential of the main countries of agricultural production
Leonid M. Taraniuk, Jianping Wang
, Hongzhou Qiu
, Yuriy Petrushenko
, Karina Taraniuk
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.17(3).2019.03
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 17, 2019 Issue #3 pp. 31-44
Views: 904 Downloads: 164 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯOne of the main conditions for improving the overall competitiveness of the country is the formation of its sustainable logistic potential, since logistics is responsible for promoting the country’s products, both in the domestic and foreign markets. This is also characteristic for agricultural companies of the main countries of agricultural production in the world, which need to manage their logistic business processes effectively. The business processes of logistics sphere include the processes of warehousing, transportation and further distribution of agricultural products between the entities of the agrarian market (warehousing, traders, wholesale and retail trade network, consumers) at the national, as well as international level. Internationalization of agricultural production includes the formation of cooperative industrial relations in the agrarian sphere between the countries in the chain of “production, processing and marketing”, and the management of business processes in the logistics sphere. The latter is characterized by the business process management of the warehousing, transport, distribution areas at the national and international levels and food safety, which represents increasing demand for food in many countries of the world. These are some of the main signs of sustainable logistic development at the national and international levels. A methodical approach to assessing the logistic potential of the main countries of agricultural production in the world is improved; this method is characterized by a set of competitive elements and includes the assessment of logistics management of countries by blocks: product safety, internationalization of production and logistics, management of business processes. The result of this improved method of assessing the logistic potential of the world countries is a developed criterial basis, which allows making effective managerial decisions at the interstate and state levels regarding the logistic development of agrarian productions.
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