Methodical approach to monitoring socio-economic activities of households

  • Received September 3, 2018;
    Accepted September 19, 2018;
    Published December 26, 2018
  • Author(s)
  • Article Info
    Volume 16 2018, Issue #3, pp. 61-68

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In the modern conditions, households play a rather important role in the country's economy. Therefore, it is necessary to have reliable information about trends and changes in their activities. The information basis for the development of socio-economic activity of households is monitoring research, by which it is possible to develop a better strategy for improving their activities. The article substantiates the difference between the monitoring process and the assessment of the socio-economic activity of households. An analysis of foreign experience in the use of panel research of households’ activity was carried out. The passport of the monitoring of households’ socio-economic activity is presented, and it shows two subsystems: organizational, technological and providing. We propose the organizational and technological scheme of monitoring. The stages and time frames of monitoring of socio-economic activities of households were clearly structured in the scheme. The form of the report of the monitoring process is developed.

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    • Рисунок 1. Паспорт проведення моніторингу соціально-економічної діяльності домогосподарств
    • Рисунок 2. Організаційно-технологічна схема проведення моніторингу
    • Таблиця 1. Терміни проведення моніторингових досліджень
    • Таблиця 2. Форма звіту про результати соціально-економічного моніторингу
    • Таблиця 3. Звіт про відхилення плану виконання моніторингового дослідження