Significant variables currently influencing air travelers’ preference for domestic airlines in Nigeria


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In recent years domestic airlines are improving their services, and the major airlines in Nigeria are ahead of others based on superior strategies; in fact, some airlines are not fully utilized, which affects their profitability, while others are highly utilized. Market dynamics and regulatory forces are the key variables that influence airline attributes, features, and developments, but this is most evident where each airline competes for passengers despite the different route choices and airports of departure. This study aimed to examine the significant variables that are currently influencing air travelers’ preference for domestic airlines in Nigeria. Primary data were obtained through systematic and random sampling of air passengers, and a questionnaire was employed for data analysis. In Lagos and Abuja airports, 757 and 682 questionnaires were administered respectively with 71.1% and 61.9% returned respectively. Regression analysis was utilized to analyze the primary data. The study found that time, safety, and fare are the most influencing factors determining passenger choice of domestic airlines in Nigeria. The current findings are crucial for policymaking, particularly during the phase of airline planning and management especially during the Covid-19 pandemic era that has challenged the economic buoyancy and the purchasing power of passengers.

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    • Table 1. Sample size derived for the study
    • Table 2. Questionnaire administration among airlines’ passengers
    • Table 3. Regression output
    • Table 4. ANOVA
    • Table 5. Correlation matrix
    • Conceptualization
      Ben Sidiq
    • Formal Analysis
      Ben Sidiq, Mobolaji Stephens
    • Investigation
      Ben Sidiq, Mobolaji Stephens
    • Methodology
      Ben Sidiq, Mobolaji Stephens
    • Writing – original draft
      Ben Sidiq, Mobolaji Stephens
    • Data curation
      Mobolaji Stephens
    • Software
      Mobolaji Stephens, Wilfred Ukpere
    • Supervision
      Mobolaji Stephens
    • Visualization
      Mobolaji Stephens, Wilfred Ukpere
    • Funding acquisition
      Wilfred Ukpere
    • Project administration
      Wilfred Ukpere
    • Resources
      Wilfred Ukpere
    • Validation
      Wilfred Ukpere
    • Writing – review & editing
      Wilfred Ukpere